Simple and Powerful Health Goals for 2025

A new year is here again, which means everyone is making their New Year’s Resolutions! Let me help you out a bit by giving you a short and simple list of health goals you should actually be trying to achieve this year.   Drink More Water Aim for at least half your weight in ounces of water per day. Water is essential for maintaining sufficient energy, growing healthy nails, and having glowing skin. Aside from the aesthetic benefits of water, increasing water intake can improve digestion, aid in weight loss, and increase physical performance.   Eat More Protein I know

Welcome Dr. Aylah Clark

Third Stone Health has a new doctor! Dr. Aylah Clark has joined Third Stone Health, and will be bringing her expertise in treating hormone conditions, lipedema, lymphedema, and more.  (Check back next week to learn more about all the different conditions Dr. Clark finds solutions for, as well as more info on her specialities!)  Her work is rooted in deeply understanding the science supporting her treatments, and applying it holistically and effectively to each unique individual she treats. “I would like to bring the science into natural health and infuse the nature back into medicine.” -Dr. Aylah Clark                 Just a few

Elderberry and Other Interventions for Colds and Flu Season

Elderberry is one of my favorite herbs for cold and flu prevention because it is easy to make a delicious syrup to take every day or for first symptoms of congestion and body aches. Elderberry has multiple mechanisms of action that are not fully understood including stimulation of the production of immune signaling molecules and prevention of connection between flu viruses and human cells. In studies where people were given elderberry or placebo at first signs of flu, the symptom severity was reduced and the duration of illness decreased from an average of six days to two days. Elderberry Syrup


Boswellia Serrata, also known as Frankincense, is one of my favorite herbs for treating osteoarthritis and autoimmune arthritis.  Another herb I use frequently is Turmeric but here I am focusing on Boswellia because it is an unsung hero while turmeric has been getting a lot of press lately. Boswellia Reduces Pain and Inflammation Multiple studies have shown that Boswellia reduces pain and inflammation equally or better than non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen for people with osteoarthritis and autoimmune arthritis.  NSAIDs work well at reducing inflammation and pain but they have many side effects including stress on kidneys and

Arthritis: Root Causes and Treatments

Whenever we talk about arthritis, it's important to define it and discuss the different types of arthritis. Arthritis means inflammation of the joints and there are two main categories of arthritis: autoimmune arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriatic arthritis) and osteoarthritis.  Autoimmune Arthritis Autoimmune arthritis usually begins in the thirties or forties, although we have been seeing it more often in younger people as well. A hallmark of autoimmune arthritis is that the pain and swelling are the same on both sides. There can be more pronounced swelling with autoimmune arthritis than osteoarthritis and sometimes there are other symptoms present like

Root Causes of Constipation and IBS-C

You may be surprised by how many people take laxatives or stool softeners every day. Many of these products were prescribed by a medical provider. When people who have chronic constipation come to our office, we ask questions to determine the cause of their constipation so that we can treat their constipation without the side effects associated with laxatives. No Single Cause of Constipation There is no single cause of constipation and often people will have more than one of the root causes on this list. Inadequate water intake - This is a very common cause of constipation especially in

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