How to Use the Pandemic to Actually Improve Your Health

Anxiety is running high right now, with good reason.  The health and economic consequences of the pandemic have affected everyone, even those lucky enough to have not actually contracted coronavirus. There’s never been a more important time to optimize your health.  Not only will you feel better in the short term, it is one tangible thing you can do to reduce your chances of suffering severe consequences of coronavirus infection.  “89.3% of adults hospitalized for Covid-19 had one or more underlying conditions. The most commonly reported were hypertension (49.7%), obesity (48.3%), chronic lung disease (34.6%), diabetes mellitus (28.3%), and cardiovascular

A Guide to COVID-19 Masks and FAQ

Confused about whether a mask is effective? You are not alone. Depending on the type of mask you are using it may be able to help prevent you from getting sick, or it may be reducing the chances you are spreading the virus to other people.  N95 masks are some of the most protective masks for the wearer, filtering out at least 95% of small 0.3 micron particles when worn properly. Currently, due to short supply of masks and other protective gear for healthcare workers on the front lines, the most protective masks such as N95s should be reserved for them

COVID-19 Testing

Covid-19 Testing: March 27, 2020 There is a lot of confusion right now about testing for Covid-19.  If you have ANY concerns regarding possible symptoms or exposure, please call us at 860-661-4662 and we can do a same-day telemedicine visit to evaluate your situation and order testing at the location most convenient for you.  Current guidelines recommend that testing be done ONLY if the following symptoms are present: Fever greater than or equal to 100.0°FCoughShortness of breath Also please be aware that testing requires a doctor’s order prior to arrival at the test site. If you have been exposed or

COVID-19 UPDATES: March 25, 2020

During this time of intense change and uncertainty, taking care of your health has never been more important, or more confusing.  Dr. Procyk and Dr. Clark are still available to help!  To keep everyone safe while still being available, all visits will be via telemedicine for the immediate future.  We are using a fully secure HIPAA-compliant service that is SO much easier to use than Skype!  Liz will give you all the details you need at the time of your visit. All of your supplements are still available, and at 10% off!  We are happy to ship them to you, or you

What Causes Lipedema and What is Happening to the Affected Area?

Dr. Aylah Clark Lipedema is an adipose tissue (fat tissue) disorder primarily affecting the lower extremities and sometimes arms that spares the hands and feet. It almost exclusively affects women with symptoms beginning often after hormonal change like puberty, menopause, or pregnancy. Lipedema (Wikimedia Commons) There is a lot we don’t know about lipedema. We don’t know exactly why it happens or what sets it off. It is thought to have a genetic component as it is common for people with lipedema to have family members with it (or suspected to have it). It is also thought that estrogen, or

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